This will be a shorter update from a library computer in Glasgow, Virginia- a state that is quickly supplanting Pennsylvania as my favorite on the trail. The footpath is mainly dirt and easy on the feet, and the terrain and surrounding countryside are spectacular, especially with the regal fall colors. I’ve trimmed down my pack weight recently, including sending my tent home. That sounds more radical than it is- it only means that I’ll need to stay in shelters (usually available every day) or cowboy camp (sleep under the stars). I’ve only had to do the latter rarely, and now with cold days hitting us with regularity (and snow in our Halloween forecast) I won’t want to do it much more.

Me, loving the brisk Virginia mornings. Temp for this picture in the 40’s, but you don’t feel it when hiking.

Typical AT shelter, side view. This one sleeps six…you roll your air mattress and sleeping bag out on the floor and try not to hear other hikers snore!
We’ve really started putting on the daily miles now- 20 per day is routine and 25 is gradually becoming a norm. The cold weather has lit a fire under all of us to keep moving south!
Hiker Thanksgiving
Swish- fellow hiker since Maine- and her family are hosting a hiker thanksgiving for us all in mid-November and that’s the big buzz on the trail. It looks like a dozen or so of us hikers will converge on her kin to show them what hungry hikers can do to a thanksgiving feast. Wendy is planning on flying out to meet me there, so it should be a great time!

Hiker badass Swish, surrounded by Virginia hills. That’s one of the white blazes painted at her feet.
Reading/Music List
I’ve had a couple of questions about what I’ve been reading and/or listening to on the trip. Here’s the list of books I’ve read (or reread) so far:
- Walden; Henry David Thoreau
- Call of the Wild; Jack London
- The Long Walk; Slawomir Rawicz
- The Inferno; Dan Brown
- Ishmael; Daniel Quinn
- Peace Like a River; Leif Anger
- The Lovely Bones; Alice Sebold
- Staggerford; Jon Hassler
- Captains Courageous; Rudyard Kipling
And here are a couple of musical lyrics and quotes that stuck in mind on the trip so far:
- “My feet is my only carriage, so I’ve got to push on through.” Bob Marley
- “Travelling in a fried-out Kombi…on a hippy trail, head full of zombie.” Colin Hay
- “Gonna ride me southbound, all the way to Georgia now, ’till the train run out of track…” Marshall Tucker
- “Georgia, Georgia, the whole day through, just an old, sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind.” (Ray Charles)
- “He travels the fastest, who travels alone.” Rudyard Kipling
- “As for doing good, that is one of the professions which are full. Morover, I have tried it fairly, and, strange as it may seem, am satisfied that it does not agree with my constitution.” Henry David Thoreau
- “Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion.” Henry David Thoreau
Thanks again to those of you who’ve commented- I love hearing your input and observations! Enjoy this installment with a few Virginia photos and I’ll try to update again soon! Max.
Great book list! The Long Walk is absolutely one of my favorites, amazing huh? And Ishmael such a classic! Great reads my man….
Yep, its a bit of a hassle carrying bookweight on the trail, but its paid off on catching up on some great reading!