
I climbed Katahdin with three other hikers- a father and 11 year old son who 3 days later had to be rescued from the 100 mile wilderness when the dad blew out both knees and could not walk- and another solo thru hiker who caught a flight home today after realizing the AT was a lot rougher than anticipated.

Have met some other great people too, 20140705_105349including a couple of section hikers from Connecticut who gave me a cup of starbucks coffee on the morning after Arthur, Wheezy who shared with me his water filter bag, Victoria and Callum- a really nice young couple from Canada, Wookie from Georgia and Doc and Hangry from Germany. Also, Tie and ‘Ole Man who put me up at their lodge the night before I started. Lastly, I happened on Brawny, a ridge runner employed by the Maine Appalachian Trail Conservancy (MATC) who you can read about in her great blog. She’s completed thru hikes of the AT and the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) and has a wealth of knowledge to share with hikers like me she encounters as she get’s paid to walk the trail. The picture above is a recent one from a shelter…the head lamp is definitely required gear…it get’s very dark in the woods.

6 thoughts on “Cohorts

  1. Billy Sunday

    And I’ve been traveling through the dirt and the grime. From the past to the future through the space and the time. Traveling deep beneath the waves. In watery grottoes and mountainous caves.

    I’ve been traveling on a wing and a prayer. By the skin of my teeth, by the breadth of a hair. Traveling where the four winds blow.
    With the sun on my face, in the ice and the snow.

    1. max Post author

      What’s up Billy! Thanks for the text about your 4th of july scenanigans…”um, I’ll have what he’s having sir!” Truly, when you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there. Thanks for confirming you’re watching. My car is being stored in Bangor, Maine. Maybe Ricky, Julian and Bubbles can camp out in the parking lot to protect it. “The way she goes…”

    2. Billy Sunday

      I hope you brought enough jugs for 2000 miles. Keep an eye on the barometer. When it rises, and you’ll feel it too, your ears will implode with the pressure. I have been keeping an eye on the MATC weather forecast and I gotta warn ya, the winds are a-comin’. BAM!!! Green Eggs and Haaaaaamm!!!

      1. max Post author

        Had to pull back a bit on the censor reigns to accomodate the mixed audience…

  2. Billy Sunday

    By the way, congratulations on completing the first leg of your trek. The rest should be basically Peach’n’Cake. Keep an eye out for the Samsquanch, selling photos of said creature could buy a lot of pepperoni and Jalapano chips. Freedom 35!

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