This will be a very quick post as I’m waiting for a ride back to the trail. An eventful few weeks: caught the Dukes, passed 1000 miles, passed the halfway point, crossed the PA border into Maryland, crossed the Mason Dixon line, and had my first ‘zero’ (non-hiking day) in almost a month yesterday! Enjoy these few quick pics…more updates later! Max.

Finally caught ’em! Dukes reunion.

Dukes southbounders hitting the 1000 mile mark!

Mav and me imitating the sign above us…Birdie on the camera

Mav attempted this pancake challenge: tried to eat 8 of these massive bad boys…

Birdie hiking through an AT cornfield

Another great view of PA…my favorite state so far on the AT

Halfway marker…big milestone!

Trail magic apples left in this tree…yum!!

Crossed the Mason-Dixon line to arrive in Maryland
Love the road crossing sign! It’s good to see the humor is sharp as ever with such an enduring challenge. Oh yeah, I am envious of the beard!
Glad to see the progress south as it’s getting into the 30s “Up North”
Keep the updates coming!
Thanks Trout! We’re hitting 30s in the mornings here too (currently in Virginia). I’m hoping we’ll still get some warm spells, but I went ahead and swapped out some of my gear for warmer stuff since we’re getting back into some elevation too.