Since leaving Vermont I’ve passed through Massachusetts, into Connecticut, and will move into New York within 2 days of this post. The fall colors haven’t hit yet, but I’m seeing the occasional yellow or red leaf and it won’t be long before the views are fully multi-colored. The biggest news in the past week was that I spent some days away from the trail hanging out with my wife (Wendy), eldest son (Oliver), daughter (Emily) and her husband (Hamid)! Wendy and Emily came and picked me up in Salisbury, Connecticut and took me back to New Jersey where we spent 4 days together. We toured Emily’s campus, had a sumptuous Persian dinner at the home of friends and managed to get done a bunch of resupply and gear changes I desperately needed for my hike. Hamid is driving me back to the trail head in an hour or so and I’ll be hiking with new shoes, a new pack (same model, but swapped out due to rips in meshing), carrying some needed cold weather gear for the changing weather, etc. Wendy also washed out my sleeping bag, rain coat, etc. so gear-wise I’m feeling great! Wendy and I rented a car and drove back up to the trail in Connecticut and New York where we spent the day giving trail magic to hikers I’ve been hiking with/near over the past month. We managed to catch up with Birdie and Crow who also took stuff to hike into Mav, and we caught Hero, Hercules, Slimjim and Swish, Stringbean and Dirtybird and Weezy who was going to hike stuff into Chispa. It was a long day of driving around but well worth it!
Another highlight of Mass was staying at the home of Greg and Laurie. I met Greg and his dad a few weeks back on Mount Moosilauke. They are planning a thru hike next spring and later texted me to let them know when I hit Mass so we could meet up. Greg drove very far out of his way to pick me up and bring me back to their place, where they fed me like a king, did my laundry, etc. We had a great time chatting together, and then the next morning when he returned me to the trail head he spent the day giving trail magic to other hikers.
Lastly, I have a fun anectdote to share from yesterday, but it requires a bit of set-up. From my previous pictures, you can see I’m looking less like a corporate IT guy all the time. When I go through trail towns, they are very familiar with all the long hair and beards since most male hikers let it all hang out during their through-hikes. However, when I’m away from trail towns, I’ve started to see people relating to me very differently. The looks I get betray assumptions that I’m homeless, derelict, or worse, ha! So, fast forward to New Brunswick, New Jersey where Emily and Hamid live in an upscale apartment building downtown, right next door to the courthouse. Yesterday morning I had returned our rental car and Brian, the extremely kind guy who runs the local Avis office offered to shuttle me back to Emily’s place. As he dropped me off, I stepped away from the curb, said thanks and turned to enter Emily’s secure building entrance. At which point, two women passing by on the street motioned emphatically toward me and said “NO, THAT’S NOT the courthouse!” I politely explained that I knew that and they suddenly looked very embarrassed as I kept going in to Emily’s building, leaving them to realize that I wasn’t heading to court to face vagrancy charges (or whatever else they had conjured). As some of you know, we Gosheys love to turn expectations upside down, so needless to say I had a great time with that little exchange!
Ok…that’s all for now, but here are some more pix from the past week or so…enjoy!

The Killans from Bolton, England…practically neighbors to Helen and Simon in Bury. They bought me tea in the lodge on top of Greylock. Chispa in the background having lunch. I hiked with her and Weezy for a day or two, but their 30 mile days were too much for my old man legs!
Hey Mike! This is your cousin Steve. I just found out you’re doing it and wanted to let you know how much I support you… and envy, too, truth be told, though I know that has negative connotations. Anyway, I am enthralled with your blog and cannot wait to hear more.
With love and respect and wishing you an abundance of trail magic,
So incredibly good to hear from you cuz! With 730 miles behind me its still too early to say how far I can make it (1400 remain), but it has been a blast so far! Looking forward to touching base when all is said and done. Thanks for the kind words and all the best to Annie!
Wow CT!! My homeland. Spent many weekends on the AT there. Is that photo of Sages Ravine !? I spend New Years Eve in Sages Ravine once, and when I was 16 watched two girls skinny dipping in a pool just like the one in the photo 🙂 Bear Mountain? Sages Ravine? You’ll hike along the Housatonic River where I learned to fly fish. Spent a night in a blizzard on Mt Greylock! What country you are going through, Norman Rockwell’s place! What a trip Max, good for you ad thanks for sharing.
Right on Ed…great to hear from you again! CT was really great, both on and off the trail. Had a pblm with my trek poles and stumbled into a small town outfitter who sells a different brand but gladly helped fix mine…as it happens, he’s a huge deadhead too! Currently replying from a Franciscan Monastary close to the AT in New York (been in NY for a few days) that lets hikers stay in their outdoor pavillion…got the place to myself tonight…! As for the pic in question, if not Sages then somewhere very close by…
I was off the trail of my vicarious hike for a while and now finally caught up with you. Great pics and details – keep’em coming. It’s Sunday morning over 2:30am and I am at work- not as much fun as to jump off of a bridge in underware :-).
Thanks for the note MK and sorry to hear you’re working those kind of hours! Yes, jumping off a bridge in your underwear at 9:00 am with cars driving by is definitely a lot of fun! Am at the library right now in Palmerton, PA working on a new post, so you’ll see it in an hour or two…say hi to all!
Hi Michael! We met in New Jersey on Saturday at the fire tower! Hope you made it to the Gap safely. I have a picture I wanted to post, but i don’t see how I can do that. I will check in again. Posted something on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with my project Live The Ness (that is how it is in FB) and the other two @livetheness
Stay safe,
Kathleen: Thanks for the note! As you’ll see in an hour or two, I made it through NJ and am posting from PA this morning. It was so good to meet you and the group of folks you were hiking with and very interesting to hear about your MFA program. As for the picture, I will send an email to the account you used to register to post comments and you can send the picture to me via email for posting. Let me know if I can be of any help. My posts are infrequent because I can only eally do them effectively on a computer, but replying to comments, emails, etc. can be a bit faster. All the best, Max.