The terrain in New Hampshire is every bit as challenging as Maine, but there are many more “payoffs.” Each day’s hike may start out in narrow forest trails a la Maine, but as you ascend the peaks for that day, the trail opens up to ridge walking and you hike among breathtaking views for hours at a time. New Hampshire’s White Mountain range is where AT thru-hikers spend the majority of hiking time in this state. The Dukes have had the distinct pleasure of being hosted for several days at the home of the Miller family (Russ, Penny, Annika, Haydn and dogs Spikey and Stewie). Penny is a college friend of Birdie who works at the AMC Pinkham Notch visitor center. What Russ and Penny thought was to be an overnight stay has turned into a bunch of nights, shuttling us to trail heads, providing laundry, showers, cooking meals and truly welcoming us as an extension of their great family. We have had an amazing time here and though we are moving on today, I’ll be carrying great memories of the past week all the way down the trail. The following are a bunch pictures from the past week or two. Enjoy!

Swish, Hero and Mav in the middle of Mahoosuc Notch, a mile long boulder scramble just before New Hampshire.

Hiked all day in a snappy orange necktie. I got so many positive comments on it that it may become part of my permanent hiking attire

That black spot is a large moose cow 15 feet off the trail in New Hampshire. The calf was on the other side of the trail and ran across it to be reunited with mom.

Penny standing next to a memorial to Russ’s dad on the summit of Mount Washington, the tallest peak in New England. We summited it twice.

I found this message slat among the donor listings on the Mount Washington summit…the PA system was playing ‘Ripple’ at that very moment…no joke!

Selfie from one of the White Mountain peaks. When I called Oliver yesterday to wish him a happy birthday, he said that my kids think I’m looking like Jerry Garcia with all this facial hair…no cutting it until I’m off the trail!

The US record for recorded windspeed (231 mph) was clocked on Mount Washington. Both days we summited (in August) the temps were in the 30s!
So dude, how’d you like the cookies? [Osgood Trail, 8/15] My wife would like to know.
–Bill Hine, Peru, ME
The cookies were great Bill! Please thank your wife for the trail magic and stay in touch as I stumble my way to Springer Mountain in Georgia. Cheers!