Hey all! Other than the same lack of appetite I experienced last time I hiked in the New Mexico desert, things have gone well in this first small stretch. I’m posting late from my motel room in Lordsburg so will keep this brief and just report that I’m healthy, well-fed and hydrated again and ready to set off for Silver City, the largest trail town in New Mexico.
Thanks to everyone tuning in and I hope you enjoy the photos, Max
Spent a few wonderful days catching up around Chad and Heidi’s poolFinal quiet moments the night before hitting the trailHere we are again, the butterflies of a new hikeAlways enjoy seeing a sharp shadow cast Where there’s shade, there’s smiles Surprisingly clear tire waterDesert water sources vary greatlyCDT booth at the Hachita community center where I slept and consumed a bunch of caloriesRadar, a trail legend, decade long volunteer for the Continental Divide Trail Coalition and my shuttle driver in 2019, joined me at the community center to swap trail stories Desert bloom 1Desert bloom 2Desert bloom 3Desert bloom 4Desert boneyard 1Desert boneyard 2From a distance, these CDT markers appear like tiny black dots on the horizon