Back in 2011, Carole Laughary set out to compile and document a lifetime of favorite recipes- many which had been shared with and handed-down to her by others. This image was the cover for that original recipe booklet, which she later had bound and distributed to family and friends. As we approach Mother’s Day 2022, we thought it’d be fun to return the favor and create a website to capture all her original work along with brand new submissions from family and friends documenting their own attempts at recreating some of the same recipes.
So if you enjoy the site and the challenge of making something new- and especially if you know Carole (though submissions from all are welcome)- then please feel free to select any recipe from the list, prepare the dish, snap a photo or two (food, chef, messy kitchen, burning stove, etc.) and use this form to submit your entry along with some remarks to let Carole know how you did! Also, please feel free to comment on other people’s submissions too! To protect the site from spam and internet IDIOTS, all submissions and initial comments will be hidden until approved and published to the site, so once you submit an entry be sure to check back later to see it published live on the site. We’ll try to update multiple times daily. Thank you so much for your interest and here’s wishing you and yours a very Happy Mother’s Day from the family and friends of Carole Laughary!
When I was young, Jerry and I had company for dinner almost weekly. I always tried a new recipe (something you’re never supposed to do for company). That’s one reason I have so many recipes from others. They tried new things too and then we would trade recipes. That was the way we expanded our selection in those pre-computer days. I remember only a couple of failures. One time I had Aunt Bet and Uncle Clary for dinner and left some rolls in the oven and they blackened. Another time I followed a recipe for fish soup and left the whole head on and the looks of it make us sick, so I threw it out. So much for that recipe.
That is the understatement of the year. I don’t know when I have appreciated or thoroughly enjoyed anything as much as this. Thanks Mike and others for all the work in setting this up. I will have fun reading and remembering (and laughing and crying) for many months to come.
This has been so much fun. Reading all of mom’s comments again in the book were a delight as well! Mom is going to absolutely love this.
Agreed, I’ve had a great time with it too. Thanks again for putting so much effort in Melissa, hopefully she’ll get a big kick out of it!