On October 9th- and with the incredible final-week support of CDT hiker brother Hammer (aka Calorie Panic!) and his amazing dog Hawser- I arrived at my East Coast destination, Fort Dupont State Park in Delaware CIty, Delaware. The historical Fort sits where the Delaware River spills into Delaware Bay, presumably to prevent unauthorized vessels from advancing up the river from the Atlantic. I learned from Hammer that the park is also adjacent to the man-made canal flowing between the Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, shortcutting the otherwise challenging navigation between them.
Calculating the precise mileage of the route I walked is tricky since I didn’t follow a prescribed path and on many days I strayed slightly from the planned route, but based on the above set of waypoints captured at the end of every day of the hike, the mapping apps indicate approximately 3000 miles (+/- 20 miles), so I’ll use that as the round number.
I may end up posting a final entry after this one to sort of summarize my observations and lessons from the hike, but for now the main thing I want to communicate to anyone taking the time to read this is how much I appreciated knowing there were others following along who were interested in (and rooting for!) my ongoing progress. In a hike that was void of other hikers with whom I could commiserate (until the final week, thanks again Hammer!!), it was particularly reassuring to know there were people out there keeping an eye on me from a distance. So if you were in that number, this “thank you” is for you!
My apologies for the limited content I posted during this hike but in all honestly the daily walking took nearly every ounce of energy and motivation I could muster and “squeezing in” the time and effort for things like blog posts was very challenging. Having said that, I hope the stuff I did post- admittedly modest- gave those interested a sense for what it feels like to walk across small town America.
As always, I’ve posted the videos covering the final stretch of the hike (and a bonus one from back at home in Spokane) and they can be viewed via my YouTube playlist for this hike, so check those out too. Meanwhile, I’m back home with Wendy resting up and trying to figure out what comes next. My feet are definitely enjoying the new program of not walking 25-35 miles per day and hopefully I can reign-in my hunger to a reasonable (off-trail) amount of eating, ha! Love and gratitude to you all! Michael (Maxheap), back home in Washington.