Illinois & Indiana

My first reaction to this photo was how old I look around the eye wrinkles, so I had to put it up front, ha!

I’ve made it about 2400 miles so far, and with 533 miles until the Atlantic coast, the hike is starting to build that “final push” momentum. If you’re a video person, catch the next dozen or so videos on my YouTube channel, starting with August 26.

Not so far from where we are today...”
Lots of crops in this stretch through middle ‘Merica
Early morning walking is the best

The below collection of photos are from Illinois,  Indiana,  and a couple of Ohio, which I made it to a few days ago. From the start of this hike, I pictured several sections as likely “tough challenges.” In descending order of difficulty (and coincidentally west-to-east), they were: Montana (longest state, rugged, mountainous, grizzlies) , North Dakota (flat, straight, long), passing through Minnesota (homecoming, trying to meet up with so many folks), Illinois/Indiana (avoiding the urban reach of Chicago), and making it to the Ohio border (unavoidable fatigue and burn-out). With all of that safely in the rear view, my lone remaining focus will be reaching the East coast, which I’m hoping will happen in about a month from now.

Most excellent
Stretches of farmland can be remarkably appealing
Friendly,  quiet Indiana
Best wall mural ever, with 3D roses
After working so long in health care, yep, I concur
Had to speed up my pace to get it to 4
Angry impressionism

I’ve continued to meet all sorts of kind people and received plenty of trail magic gifts of food, drinks and other demonstrations of largesse. The photos in this collection are heavy on signage and other non-hikey vibe stuff, but I can only report on what I’ve observed. I’ve continued to encounter some interesting scenery as well, though perhaps less systematically dramatic.

Carnation pink clouds on a Maxfield Parish blue sky
Farmers rule

I’m guessing there may be some who are wondering when I’ll break down and attempt to encapsulate the “meaning” of this kind of project, neatly tying it up in a pithy statement that demonstrates all that wisdom I certainly should have acquired by now. But as I said to a room full of family on my 60th birthday back in December when I was asked to share what I’ve learned in those six decades, I have little to offer that won’t just be a rehash of someone else’s thoughts. Or more accurately, I actually have quite a bit to say, but consider it the height of good manners that I won’t impose my thoughts on anyone else. One of the greatest ideas I ever heard was a tenet of the Baha’i faith of my daughter and son-in-law: their religion prohibits proselytizing! Now that is an idea that makes absolute sense to me. I wish that all those Christian and Muslim zealots would try that one on for size!

He keeps following  me
Maga keepin’ it classy
The font: assault weapon san serif
Like I said, he follows
Absolutely agree, male presidents have had centuries of attempts
Most original political sign so far
“Billy, is that your mom’s or dad’s sign?

So, without further adieu, I hope you enjoy the pictures and videos and you can rest assured that if I do know the truth (smile), I ain’t gonna trouble you with it. Love and peace, Michael, Max, me.

A bold promise
What’s the protocol here?
Humility, our collective Achilles heal
Tempted to trespass
That’s a pretty decent price, no?
Such scenes have been rare in this stretch
Gettysburg address…Lincoln birthplace replica?
Cole Porter, the unrivaled American master lyricist
This kind couple called me over, said they heard of me and my hike on Facebook and proceeded to buy my breakfast
Yeah, I see you too Tabby
Abe: “Is this really what it’s come to?”
Another day, another camp site
Another morning, another shadow
Have crossed a lot of rivers on this walk
First reference to Ohio!
True story: this little guy followed me across his long yard
Made me worry about what’s growing back there
Definitely in Amish country
Pulling in to the Dollar General
…and parking behind the store
First covered bridge of the hike
Inside the same bridge
The sun, looming large in recent days
This county fairground mascot looks stoned
The black caption circle on the upper right of this cancer treatment billboard says: “Polyp Hunter!” Gross.
The Ohio town from which I’m posting this update.
Hmm…which to obey? “No Trespassing” or “Welcome”?

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