Quick one from Bishop

I need to keep this short while I wait for trail angel Michelle to pick me up to drive 20 miles back to trail. Landed back in Bishop, CA last night after back-tracking to complete the (recently re-opened) fire closure in Oregon. I’ve now walked every mile (1,822) from Canada down to here with no gaps, which feels great! After CDT trail family member Cougar dropped me off in Portland, I caught a bus home for 2 days with Wendy as well as did lots of gear cleaning and small changes- best resupply trip ever! I’ll do a proper update next time I take a rest day. Love to you all from the Sierras! Max

Glad everything is going well. Was great talking to you. Be safe.
Looking forward to more of your stories. Love reading them. The pictures are so fun to see, too. We loved the one with the pine cone. LoL. Be safe and will look forward to next update.
Thanks Diane! I’m in Ridgecrest, California for resupply, laundry, shower, post office and so on. Stark transition from water bottles freezing at night to inescapable sun and heat in the desert. Always a challenge on the trail! All the best!