Snoqualmie Pass (warm up hike)

Almost exactly one year ago I walked southbound into Snoqualmie Pass, Washington and promptly mailed home my ice axe, traction spikes and heavier winter gear in anticipation of warmer conditions further south.
Fast forward to this week when I retraced 52 miles of that same section, half of it with my son Jerry who flew out from Minnesota to put me through my paces before I hop the Amtrak Sunday (7/24) to Klamath Falls, Oregon.

The goal for this year is to complete last year’s unfinished business and tag that Mexican border well in advance of Thanksgiving. Jerry and I encountered some snow in elevation but mostly the trail seems to be in great shape and it gave me a chance to try out my new tent, pack, etc.

This will be my last “pre-hike” post- my next should be from somewhere in southern Oregon or northern California. All the best! Max
Looking good, Max! Will be following all of these blog posts.
From the wisdom of Neal Stephenson:”Jack the sound barrier. Bring the noise.”
Take care and GodSpeed!
Anyone quoting Neal Stephenson gets immediate attention on this blog! See you down the trail buddy!