Forty-eight hours before I was to board my train to Klamath Falls, Oregon to start my hike (see previous post explaining why I’m starting from there) I contracted covid and was forced to defer my start. The symptoms have been typical- loss of taste and smell, chills, fever, achiness, headaches, sniffles, etc. Each day since the symptoms have gradually improved so I’m on the mend and hope to get started soon.
Meanwhile, with our daughter, son-in-law and three of our grand-kids visting Seattle right now, we’ve managed to have a great time together. I’ll post an update again once I re-book the Amtrak and wish you all the very best until then. Max

Hope you are feeling better, strong, and soon on your way!
Thanks Dale! Yep, getting itchy feet to be back out there soon.
Doh! Can’t wait for blogs and vids. Hike Safe!
Cheers Nate! We’ll chat more down the trail!
How’s it going, Mike? Hoping you are back to 100% and on your way!!
Chel: Hey! Hope you’re well and adjusting to the new role! Yes, thanks, my covid symptoms lingered for a while which was making me nervous, but I’m fully recovered now and leave for the trail Sunday (3 more days!). Needless to say, I’m both excited and nervous. Say hi to everyone at Prime for me and hope to chat more with you down the trail! All the best!