While I will still encounter some snow on days in high elevation, the big struggle with challenging, icy traversals should be in the rear view mirror! Whew! I’m currently in a truck stop called “CrackerBarrel” (not the restaurant chain) at White Pass, Washington, near Mount Ranier National Park. I’ve hiked through about 70% of the Washington state portion of the trail and anticipate crossing the “Bridge of the Gods” into Oregon in another week or so, where I’ll stay in the town of Cascade Locks and hope to do a longer post with lots of photos, etc. once I have access to library.

In the mean time, I’ve uploaded a bunch of new videos that you can view here on my YouTube channel (videos 15-23 are new) and hopefully these will suffice for now. Cheers, Max

4 Replies to “Out of the Snow!”

  1. Mike – So good to follow your adventure. Greetings from my family and I here in Munich. 😁


    1. Ali! Hisashiburi yo nee! So glad to hear from you and know your relocation to Europe went well! Looking forward to meeting your family and shredding together sometime soon! Cheers, brother!

  2. Glad you made it through the worst of the snow. Be safe. Love you. Mom

    1. Love you too mom! Just landed this morning in Oregon…will update the blog today or tomorrow.

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