Alpharetta -> Cary -> Philly

Seven down, 5 shows to go, 4200 miles on the van so far. I stopped at the shop below to ask for a good oil change place in Grinder, GA. I told them I was a deeply devoted customer but that I harbor grave concerns about their market research strategy. They were working up an open letter to corporate when I left the shop, so keep your eyes open for that, Mag.

Advance Auto Parts, Grinder GA

The shows in Georgia and North Carolina were fun, lively and the crowds noticeably more polite and cordial than the folks at new england shows. At the Georgia show, several nice couples from Atlanta sat next to me and we chatted for a bit- Ruth & Miles and everyone else- thanks again for the great southern welcome to your area. It rained hard before the show, though in retrospect the post-show storm was what really soaked everyone thoroughly. I packed up a wet tent the next morning for NC.

Heads running for cover before Alpharetta.

This downpour accompanied the long walk back to the lot…no one stayed dry.

The below caught my attention.

Does the name affect Justin’s business?

Next up- heading back to Philly to pick up Chad. On the way, I’ll stop in Dumfries, VA to pick up my notebook I left behind in their grocery store cart. I called from the number of the receipt after I was a state or two away and they confirmed they had it, whew…